Commence mind melting….now!
WHOA! I cannot believe it’s 2015 already! 2014 was such an incredible year, it’s just plain crazy. When I sat down to try and pull my favorite images from the year I almost exploded! There are far too many amazing moments from the past year to count. Smiles, tears, sunsets, storms, and everything in between. I feel like I barely scratched the surface of the highlights from the year and I KNOW I am accidentally leaving out gems. I have an overwhelming sense of joy, accomplishment, and inspiration when I loo back over the last 365. I want to sincerely thank each and every one of my clients for trusting me with their priceless memories. Thank you for sharing your love and milestones with me. I hope you had just as much fun as I did being present for this crazy thing called life. Being able to show you what those incredible moments felt like and what your love looks like is a deep honor for me.
Already 2015 is shaping up to somehow outdo any other year yet! I am excited to announce new partnerships and ventures. Starting with the debut of my first studio space! Vintage Heights Studio or VHS for short is exactly the next step for me as I grow. I cannot wait to service my clients bigger and better this year!
Thank you again for being amazing! Cheers friends!

Some of my favorite posts: